
School Governor Categories

School Governor Categories

There are various positions available on governing boards, and how governors are appointed or elected is depending on the board that they represent.

All maintained schools have an Instrument of Government which sets out the constitutional arrangements, including categories and numbers of governors, for the governing board. Representation on the governing board is therefore dependant on the school’s Instrument of Government.

The School Governance (Constitution) Regulations 2012 details the different categories of governors and how they are appointed or elected in maintained schools. Academies do not follow these regulations and instead have their own articles of association which vary from each academy.

Elected Governors (maintained)

Parent and Staff Governors are represented on governing boards by a process of election. The Local Authority delegates the responsibility to community and voluntary controlled schools to manage the election process following procedures set by the local authority, in accordance with regulations. Voluntary aided schools can establish their own procedures; however, these too must follow regulations.

Staff Governors are nominated and elected via the staff body and should be persons who are paid to work at the school.

Parent Governors are nominated and elected via the school’s parent body. In circumstances when the school has followed the election procedure and have received no nominations for the positions(s), the governing board may appoint a parent governor following procedures prescribed in regulations. This must be done at a full governing board meeting by majority decision. The clerk to governors can provide advice on the matter in this circumstance.

Further information on the Bolton Local Authority election process (Elected Governor Guidelines) and suggested model letters and forms for both staff and parent governor elections, may be downloaded below.

Appointed Governors (maintained)

All other governors represented on the governing board are appointed to their positions by the appointing body.

Foundation Governors are appointed by either the religious or foundation body for the purpose of securing that the character of the school, including where the school has a religious character, that such religious character is preserved and developed.

Foundation Governors are also appointed where the school has a foundation for the purpose of securing that the school is conducted in accordance with the foundation’s governing documents, including, where appropriate, any trust deeds relating to the school.

Co-opted Governors are appointed by the governing board at a full governing board meeting and should, in the opinion of the governing board, have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.

Authority Governors are nominated by the local authority but appointed by the governing board. The local authority can nominate any eligible person as a local authority governor, but it is for the governing board to decide whether the nominee meets their eligibility criteria. The Bolton Code of Practice for LA Governor Appointments provides guidance on the nomination process. (below)

Partnership Governors are appointed by the governing board and should be persons who possess the skills needed to contribute to effective governance and success of the school. If the school has a religious character partnership governors may be nominated by the diocese or appropriate religious body. Where the school has no religious character nominations by the parents of registered pupils at the school and such others in the community that the governing board deems appropriate may be considered.

Associate Members (maintained)

Associate members are not governors and are not eligible to vote at full governing board meetings. Associate members can be appointed by the governing board to attend committee meetings or full governing board meetings. They are appointed because of their particular skills or experience. Associate members may be given voting rights at committee meetings by the governing board.

Academy Trusts and Local Boards

Academies, Multi-Academy Trusts and Free Schools do not follow the same regulations as maintained and instead have their own articles of association which vary from each academy. Your Clerk to the Trust / Secretary will be able to provide this information for you.