27th Jan 2025

Chairs Briefing Spring Term 2025 – Session 1

The Chairs’ Briefings are held early each term in order to prepare chairs of the board for their forthcoming board meetings and to equip them with the knowledge, information and advice needed to effectively undertake their role. The Chairs’ Briefing sessions aim to:

  • Deepen the understanding of the role of the chair
  • Enhance confidence and skills in managing the role and relationships.
  • Widen the strategies for developing the partnership between the governing or trust board, the senior leadership team and staff.
  • Share leadership issues and make good use of the skills and knowledge of others.
  • Provide information about meeting procedure and regulations.


All Chairs of Bolton Schools and Academies. Vice Chairs may attend if the Chair cannot attend.


This session will be held in person at the Bolton Science and Technology Centre. The in person event allows an additional 30 minutes at the end for networking opportunities. A pre-recorded video option is available, which needs to be booked via a separate event.

Chairs’ only need to attend one of the two sessions provided each term. 

Pricing and Cancelation

Attendance is free of charge to those boards that purchase the Clerking and Support Service Level Agreement. A charge of £50.00 per person, per session will be made for those schools not buying into the service.

If you are unable to attend a course, we ask that you please notify the Governance Services Team on 01204 332104 at the earliest opportunity and at least five working days prior to the course date to enable the place to be offered to others.

There is no cancellation fee for this event.

Price per session: Free

Venue: Bolton Science and Technology Centre

Time: 6pm to 8pm

Category: Chairs' Briefing

Book a place on this event

* Mandatory items that must be completed