28th Mar 2025

Workshop: The Role of the SEND Governor working with your SENCo: Course B

Workshop: The Role of the SEND Governor working with your SENCo

To get the most out this session try and attend with your school’s SENCo. The Department for Education states that, “there should also be a member of the board or a committee with specific oversight of the school’s arrangements for SEND.”

Intent of the training 

Ensuring the ongoing achievement and success of learners with SEND is a collective responsibility of the Governing Board, but this may be predominantly reflected by the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Governor. The SEND link governor is the School/Academy Council’s champion for successful inclusion for young people with SEND.

In the training alongside your schools SENCo, you will understand the role and how to support and challenge the school/academy to ensure that no child is treated less favourably, denied opportunity, or left behind because they have additional needs.

This training enables the school/academy’s SEND governors help to ensure their academy fulfils their aim of providing for children with SEND and comply with all statutory requirements.

In the training we will explore 4 main points

  • Background to the SEND Code of Practice & implications for school staff.
  • Ofsted and SEND
  • Understanding the role of the SENCo
  • Understanding the role of the SEND Governor/Trustee

Presenter:          Cate Marsden, Director of External Partnerships, Woodbridge Trust


This course will be held in person venue to be confirmed

Pricing and Cancelation

Fees for this session are payable via the school budget and not by individual members of the governing board. If your governing board has signed up to the Governance Training Service Level Agreement, sessions are free of charge. Governors of governing boards who have not signed up to the Governance Training Service Level Agreement may attend for a fee of £90 per session.

If you are unable to attend a course, we ask that you please notify the Governance Services Team on 01204 332116 at the earliest opportunity and at least five working days prior to the course date to enable the place to be offered to others.

Cancellation fees will apply for non-attendance or if a place is cancelled by the delegate within five working days of the course date. Schools who have signed up to the Governance Training Service Level Agreement will be charged £50 for each cancellation within five days of the course. If your school has not signed up to the SLA the full course fee will be charged. Fees may be waived in exceptional circumstances. Please contact Marie Foley, Governance Training Officer on 01204 332116 or via email at

THIS COURSE IS NOW FULL contact to reserve a place on the next course

Price per session: Governance Training SLA/ £94 per session

Venue: TBC

Time: 9.30am to 12pm

Category: Training

Book a place on this event

* Mandatory items that must be completed