
Bespoke Governance Development

Bespoke Governance Development

In these ever changing times, governors and trustees have a sharper role in a more autonomous system and their ability to challenge and lead is key; asking the right questions, knowing their organisation, understanding the data.  Governance development is vital in order for boards to fulfil their roles effectively.

Through fully trained and experienced governance professionals, the Governance Services Team can provide governing and trust boards with an audit and self-evaluation to identify areas of development and training which may be required. Following this, a bespoke development session or a programme of modular sessions on specific issues and topics can be arranged. These can be varied in length and can be held throughout the daytime or evening, convenient to each board and can even be provided as cluster sessions with other boards in similar circumstances, where appropriate.
The following are examples of topics and areas that could be tailored to the needs of the board:
  • Governance Roles and Responsibilities
  • Strategic and Operational
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Skills Audit & Review
  • Challenge and Support
  • Governor Visits to Schools
  • Self-Evaluation
  • The Effective Governing Board and Team Work
  • School Data:  what this means for Governors
  • Sustained Effectiveness and Improvement
  • Demonstrating Impact
The bespoke sessions will look at documentation such as board and school improvement (development) plans, action plans and Ofsted recommendations to ensure sessions are relevant and planned effectively. The benefits of bespoke development are:
  • Sessions will be tailored to your governing, trust or local academy board’s specific needs.
  • The sessions will address particular issues which have been raised through self-evaluation or external parties.
  • The sessions, whilst providing development, also provide the opportunity for teamwork and bonding as a professional board.
  • The timing of the sessions can be varied, depending on governor and trustee time constraints.

Further information about the sessions available and associated costs can be gained by contacting our Governance Development Officer on 01204 332104 or via email at